Snakefest 2016 draws in Human and Reptiles


Welcome to Snakefest! At Occidental College, there are many ways to celebrate the change of seasons. For some, fall means: SNAKES. Similar to Programming Board’s annual “Harvest Fest,” the board of Snakefest is excited to unveil its 2016 program.

In addition to numerous mouse and rat eating contests, Snakefest is offering classic attractions like a pit of snakes, box of snakes and, of course, tube of snakes. If you don’t think they have every type of snake under the sun, boy do you have another thing coming.

Snakefest 2016 has efforts to collaborate with the local community. After reaching out to local food and craft vendors, Snakefest is pleased to provide numerous locally sourced rat and mice centric “food items.”

Engaging with the community is an important goal, according to Snakefest’s snake program director Rattle Snake and Snakefest’s Human Program Director Jeff McCloud.

“Ssssssssssssssss ssssssssssss sss sss ssss ssss, ” Rattle Snake said.

“Exactly,” McCloud agreed.

This is Rattle Snake’s first year on Programming Staff and they want to help foster a close-knit relationship between snake and human communities. This year’s Snakefest will have no snake enclosures, finally allowing humans and snakes to roam the festivities together.



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