Ryan Phillips



Dear Editor,

Before this controversy, I preferred to simply ignore race. I thought this would be the best way to treat everyone equally. Judge not by the color of the skin but by the content of the character, and all that. I have since realized that in fact I was terribly wrong. I did not recognize that there are two levels of racism.

The first type of racism is obvious to all of us. Segregation, violence, crimes of hate. All of these are examples of a type of racism that I believe we are mostly free of, especially at Oxy. Some would claim otherwise. I did not witness the events of Apollo night, or the Pauley debacle, or other instances of discrimination reported in these pages. However, I am confident that these sentiments are not the feeling of the majority.

The other type of racism saturates this campus, as it does our entire culture. I can see it in our government, our media, even our day-to-day life in jokes or quiet conversations. As a straight white male, I believe it is nigh impossible for me to recognize this manner of racism. However, to deny its existence is an insult to the experiences of minority groups.

I am influenced by my culture, and my culture is racist. Therefore, I must acknowledge that I am, in a way, racist. However, this admission can be carried too far. Within these pages some have characterized white people as inherently racist, homophobic, and hate-filled. The irony of characterizing a race as racist escapes these writers.

Our culture is racially charged. There’s no denying it, and to do so would be to preclude any hope of a resolution. The way to cure this unconscious racism is to spend time amongst members of all races, to experience the cultures and observe their spirits. This is the goal Oxy strives to achieve. The success of this goal is not the responsibility of the administration via admission percentages or cultural planning, it is ours. The initiative must come from each of us. I’m not saying “go talk to a member of a different race today.” Such a gesture would be shallow. I’m just asking you to keep an open mind. If you feel you were unfairly accused of being racist, realize the possibility that our culture treats some races better than others. Acknowledge the claims of people of all colors and creeds. If you feel you have been humiliated, hated, or otherwise oppressed, realize that it was probably inadvertent. We may have had different experiences than you and I for one was unaware of your suffering.

I will not attempt to apologize for the ignorance we all saw at Apollo night, for the fault is not mine. Similarly, I seek no retribution for the ignorance displayed in these pages. We must not judge the attitudes of the many by the brash actions of the few. We have an opportunity here at Oxy to expand our minds, and we must not squander it.

-Ryan Phillips, first-year, Philosophy

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