Gerry Maravilla



Dear Editor,

I know that many people on this campus do not take the Occidental Weekly seriously. I have heard and seen people merely scan the Letters to the Editor and Campus Safety Reports before tossing the paper in the recycling bin, or just on the floor. When I was a first-year and sophomore I had strong and often vocal criticisms about the Weekly. Finally I decided to stop being a loud-mouthed jerk and put my money where my mouth is so-to-speak. As a junior, I became a staff writer and have moved my way up to the Editorial staff. While there are still legitimate criticisms facing the Weekly, I think it is important to know that the members of the staff, from writers to editors, strive to bring you the best publication we can. We care very much about the Weekly having journalistic integrity. We put in long hours, as well as some sleepless nights. We, like you, are students first and foremost. The newspaper is a labor of love and I cannot think of anyone on our staff that is doing this for the small paychecks we receive.

That being said, the staff of the Weekly would love hear what you think is necessary to improve the paper. I welcome anyone to send me an e-mail or even join us on our Sunday/Monday night layout fests or our Monday lunch meetings.

We want this newspaper to matter and for you to care about it. I personally urge to you to take that step away from the apathetic critic and take on an active role.

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