Alena Mihas (senior)



I would like to comment on first-year housing and how I believe it is a good thing that first years were not all placed together. Having been in Norris all four years at Oxy, and in which all years we have had at least 30 first-years, it has been a nice experience to have a small group of people who are willing to go out there, meet new people, mingle, and build a community. Even though some believe that Norris is very exclusive, I believe that we are welcoming and develop strong bonds within and across the colors. The first years often have open doors and are willing to bring in new members to their groups. This is a nice contrast to the groups of people that have been formed and have had at least a year to solidify. In my own personal experience, as a first year in Norris, it was nice to be able to go to hallspread and meet upper-class students. I also spent a lot of time in Newcomb my first year and was able to meet upper-class students who helped me pick my classes, gave me advice, shared their experiences, etc. Although I also think that the two first year halls were a great idea, I enjoy having first years in my hall and forming those connections, hoping to aid them in their journey through Oxy.

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