Vandal defaces SJP memorial of Palestinian deaths


Graffiti appeared Saturday next to the chalk memorial constructed by the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) March 16 in the quad. Beside the names of the over 2,000 Palestinians killed in Gaza last summer, an unknown individual wrote “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslim today.” Another unknown person then crossed out the message and wrote the word “No” beside it.

SJP Co-president Janan Burni became aware of the graffiti 2 p.m. Saturday when a friend alerted her to the change. She notified fellow Co-President Beebe Sanders, who called Campus Safety to report the incident. The message was washed away by the department around 3 p.m., Sanders said.

in addition to the report with Campus Safety, Burni said SJP also plans to submit a bias incident report to the college.

“I was initially really disgusted and overwhelmed by how much ignorance surrounds this campus even in this so-called liberal institution … ,” Burni said. “It’s just another example of how much this campus needs to be educated about Islamophobia, racism, you name it.”

In response, the club will spread awareness of the incident among the student body, Sanders said.

“It’s more of an institutional issue,” Burni said. “Because there is lots of programming, all the time.”




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