LUV film review


Author: Adrian Hairapetian

The Sundance Film Festival—one of America’s largest independent film festivals—gives lesser-known directors, producers and actors the opportunity to showcase their talents to a wide variety of audiences. Eventually, their work may end up on the big screen and be shown in theatres nationwide.

Sheldon Candis’ film “LUV”—featuring rapper Common and Michael Rainey Jr.—was a big hit at the festival and found success in select theaters.LUV” documents the relationship between an older ex-convict and his young nephew. The uncle Vincent, played by Common, behaves uncivilized at times, which results in drama and complications. The movie constantly plays with the viewer’s adrenaline and lives up to its genre: drama.

Vincent hopes to spend the day with his nephew Woody, played by Michael Rainey Jr. Vincent hopes to start a new life after prison, inspired by his love for his nephew. He commences this path with plans to create a business to help out his mother and nephew. When he visits the bank with Woody to take out a business loan, the banker requires him to pay an extra $20,000 before he can lend him the money needed. Vincent needs to somehow obtain this sum of money in a matter of days. Unfortunately, it is not that easy for him to put his life back in order because he is still grappling with personal issues.

The movie is filled with betrayals and climactic realizations. Common’s acting completely took over my conscious and ran me through a gamut of emotions. When Woody wants to escape his unfortunate reality and runs away from Vincent, despite the fact that he idolizes his uncle, Vincent’s sense of remorse sets a nostalgic mood during the scene. Not only does it incite the viewer’s sympathy toward Woody, but it made me think about my own life and some of the decisions I have made. Overall, Common’s acting excellently captures emotion and is juxtaposed with his music, as his albums are a complete blueprint of his thoughts and feelings.

Michael Rainey Jr. plays a demanding role in “LUV” as well. For a young actor, he performs exceedingly well. It is evident that he connects with the character of Woody. Woody is the family man of “LUV,” and Michael Rainey Jr.’s acting brings out the family man side of him.

The only real flaws of this film were the production aspects of it. The plot and acting were phenomenal, but the cinematography and sound mixing detracted from the film. The cinematography was simply not at a professional level. Some scenes, especially the driving ones in which Vincent and Woody were traveling from one place to another in Vincent’s Mercedes, were not filmed properly. Some camera angles made it difficult for my eyes and did not run smoothly like films by more established and successful directors and production companies.

In addition to the cinematography, the sound was not mixed well. At times, I could not quite make out what Vincent and Woody were saying in the car, especially with the car’s engine noise in the background. At other times, the sound effects were unexpectedly loud and would block the sound of other things going on simultaneously.

Overall, “LUV” is a must-see, despite the fact
that it is has some flaws. The plot is filled with drama and aims to teach everyone a
life lesson. Common
and Michael Rainey Jr. compose a dynamic duo capable of expressing their
emotions so vividly and at the same time, engaging the viewers’ in their
thoughts and actions. “LUV” gets the viewer thinking and provides an intelligent alternative to most blockbuster action movies.

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