Saturday Night Satiation


Author: Davida Persaud

In previous years, Oxy students have been forced to spend their Saturday nights with the typical Tiger Cooler experience: ordering, waiting and devouring the fast food they know they will regret sooner or later. The Cooler does hit the spot on certain occasions, but after dining there for a few consecutive weekends, it tends to lose a great deal of its initial charm.

This semester, however, Campus Dining has recognized the widespread desire to have another dining option on Saturday nights and has fulfilled this hope with a new dinner choice that does not disappoint.

Three weeks ago, on Saturday, Sept. 5, Campus Dining revealed a new dining option to students: a buffet-style dinner from the Marketplace served in the Rangeview Courtyard. Every Saturday evening from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., the Rangeview Courtyard will be offering students a sumptuous buffet of foods prepared in the Marketplace for $10 from a debit plan. This price covers a dinner entrée, a dessert and a drink, which is a typical dinner (if not a little beyond) for most of the student population.

At the very first Rangeview Courtyard dinner, most students were offered Teriyaki chicken and Angel Food Cake instead of a burger and ice cream on a Saturday night.

Though the Cooler offers a wider variety of choices, the dinner in the Rangeview Courtyard evokes that satisfying feeling of a home cooked meal. The buffet menu changes every week, giving students the opportunity to break from the routine they inevitably fall into at the Cooler where they insist on getting the same grilled cheese sandwich, weekend after weekend.

The appeal of the Rangeview Courtyard dinners can still be improved through addressing certain issues concerning comfort and diversity. There is limited to no seating available at these buffets. Having available seating will offer the comfortable ambience that the Cooler has and draw a larger amount of students.The Rangeview Courtyard dinners can only get better with seating to complement these delicious meals.

Another aspect lacking in the Rangeview Courtyard dinner, as pointed out by Caitlin Cole (sophomore) is the insufficiency of vegan and vegetarian options, although she still said, “I have found the Rangeview dining experience pleasant and fulfilling.”

Likewise, Noel Hollowell (senior) expressed her disappointment in the fact that the meaning of buffet is skewed when students are allowed only one serving upon entrance. Yet she said, “I feel it is a good effort toward diversifying our on-campus food choices, since not everyone goes home on the weekend.”

Not only is the food a much appreciated Saturday night dining option in addition to the Cooler, but it also shows Oxy’s willingness to take on the cost in order to produce the benefit of better dining options for its students. Students must be at least appreciative of the fact that Campus Dining is willing to host this buffet on Saturday nights despite the cost of food and labor as well as the time and effort put into these meals.

Being a small school, Oxy does not require multiple dining facilities, so the establishment of the Rangeview Courtyard buffet is for the enjoyment of the student body. This shows our school’s involvement in the welfare and comfort of students, an invaluable aspect of our campus.

Though the Rangeview Courtyard buffet can definitely use some improvements, it is an effective way of adding more dining options to the formerly limited Saturday nights. The fact that Oxy is expanding our dining options regardless of cost, both monetary and time, is a matter to be appreciated by the student body, especially those who need a break from those fries!

This Saturday, Oct. 3, head to Rangeview at 6 p.m. for Chicken Marsala, Saffron Israeli Couscous (v), Mashed Potatoes (vl), Green Beans & Julienne Carrots (v), Baby Greens, Candied Walnuts, Dried Cherry Salad (v), Fresh Fruit (v), Fresh Baked Rolls (v), Cookies, Lemonade, and Iced Tea.

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